Why are we here?
We have been understanding the universe through learning and transforming it. This complex process started somewhere in primitive lifeforms. Today it has reached up to human brain which continues to evolve now along with artificial intelligence. The big bang of intelligence is ever expanding. Does it have a direction?
The ideas which once were too complex or unknown to whole humanity are now taught in pre-schools. This project is intended to create and compile a collective intelligence with a goal to make the world a better place.
How we do this?
This website is only a tool. Among our current communication platforms, internet would be most useful. As we intend our ideas to flow in a forward direction and avoid swirls, our medium would need to constantly compile and simplify data. Every new member gets a head start, like the same way wisdom is passed down through generations.
Can you think of better ways? Are there already similar platforms? Feel free to update us.
Who is behind this?
We are grateful that you have found us. If you find this initiative worthwhile, you are already a part of this. Contribute to the content. Share it with others. Tell us how we can become better.
We don’t intend to give special credits to anyone. Though in our humble beginnings you can contact the creators for your valuable inputs and support.
- Phone/ Whatsapp; +919656055345.
- Email; [email protected]